Friday, April 8, 2011

The Story Behind the Story: FFA District Competition

There is something exciting about finding a story and telling it well when competing stations don't even cover it. Often called "scooping the competition," I believe what makes it such a coveted experience is the satisfaction of knowing you have enterprised a story no one else knew about. It is a personal evaluation instead of the usual group evaluation through ratings that you are a good journalist, that you are connected with your audience, and cover what they are interested in.

I was really excited when I found this story idea. None of our competing stations covered this, and it was a major even that affected hundreds of local students and teachers. Seventeen hundred students came from all across Northeast and Central Missouri to prove their skills and compete against one another. I found the idea while I was searching through community calendars.

One thing I learned from this story is just how valuable pre-planning stories can be. I called a day before to evaluate just how many people would be affected by it. I got most of the who, what, when, where, and why answered before I even pitched the idea in our assignment meeting the next day. I was able to think through how I would tell the story and what I would need. Pre-planning helped me get just what I needed and when I headed back the the station I was ahead of schedule. There is great value in pre-planning. I learned that from this FFA District competition story.

Here is the story if you want to watch.


  1. Brian!!! I love seeing and hearing you in these news stories! I have to say, however, that when the camera went to you, I was expecting you to be attired in something more "country" than a suit. lol! Keep up the GREAT work! xo

  2. Thanks for commenting! Yours is the first comment on my blog. :)
    We have a dress code at the station that is very strict. Even if we are way out in the country with the cows and grass our news director still wants us to be in a suit and tie. It is a little much, but he has good reason for it. Most of us are young so it helps make us look older and keeps us looking professional.
